siddartha's blog

Dear Patron:

What are mobile alerts? And why do we need them?
When the library users check out (issue), check in (return), renew or do any other circulation transaction, a SMS is sent to their mobile about that transaction.
These mobile alerts
- Provide a proof of transaction
- Enable quick communication to user about his/her account usage
- Boost the image of the library by providing such contemporary services

What changes must I do in my system to send mobile alerts?

Dear Patron:
Automation at your Circulation desk must be simple, powerful and communicative. It must be simple because in most of the cases the circulation desk may be handled by professionals who are not aware of library science. Also, circulation desk must be highly communicative with the users availing its service. NewGenLib's circulation module is designed to be simple, powerful and communicative.

Very simple-to-use interfaces & rapid functionality
Circulation module is designed to be very
- Simple: So that circulation desk staff can handle them easily with little or no training. It will take less than 30 mins to train the circulation desk staff on critical circulation desk activities.
- Rapid (Speed in usage): Interfaces are designed in such a way that you can easily handle long queues of users at the circulation desk.

Dear Patron:

Cataloging in NewGenLib is simple yet powerful. Let us see the capabilities of NewGenLib cataloging module.

Makes cataloger's life simple
-Simple to use and understand interface: NewGenLib cataloging screen is simple to understand and use. We have preloaded the system with frequently used templates for Books(Single and Multi-volume), Serials, Articles, Conference Publication, Theses and Dissertations, Technical Reports and Patents

-Create quality catalog records quickly: Using NewGenLib you can import catalog records in MARC Communication format. However not all library catalogs on the Internet allow you to do this, for this NewGenLib has developed means to import records from MARC Tagged format also. Apart from this you can use Z39.50 client to perform federated search and import the records.

Powerful tool