Theme Features
This is a complete bunch of awesome beautiful web-design with extensive power of Drupal.
Below are few highlights on theme features: -
- Fixed/ Fluid Layout Options.
- 3 Column Layout Options.
- 11 (eleven) Color/background options.
- Jquery animated any level menu
- Cross Browser Compaitable (All major browsers including ie6, ie7, ie8, firefox, safari, chrome)
More Features
- Jquery Powered Dynamic Display Block, a beautiful front featured.
- Top Stories of the week
- All Content Type's are Themed.
- Advanced theme settings.
- Advanced block settings.
- Extensive Block Flexibility.
- 3 Block themes.
- Animated Quick Tabs.
- Typewriter style quick news block.
- Beautifully themed Contact Form in the bottom for your quick contact for your website users.
- Advanced Typography Options.
- Sub-Theming facility. (Easily Update/upgrade your Theme)
Meaning you are provided with a separate folder for you work .i.e. city_magazine_custom theme. Work only in city_magazine_custom folder so that all original code can be kept separated, so that if there are any more updates in city_magazine then you just need to update the city_magazine folder and you own changes will remain there with you and you theme will be easily updated.
Not just a theme, but a complete installation package.
Remember this is an addictive theme more you will see more you will love it :).
An easy one-click quick start theme. All modules are preconfigured and installed in the theme (installation profile) and start posting you content, stories, news etc.
Super easy installing the theme: -
- City Magazine comes with installation profile, you just need to create the database for your website (learn more)
- Follow all the steps that you need while installing Drupal (learn more). During choosing profile, select the City Magazine as an installation profile.
- Once you have successfully installed the City Magazine Theme, browse to your website address (as you installed.)
- The default admin access for your site will be as username/password - admin/admin. Please change your password from admin to your desired password immediately for security purpose.
- You new advanced Drupal theme is installed. Enjoy!
- IF you face any problem related the theme let me know I will be always there to help you.
- These are the only few features. More you will use the theme more you will be loving it.
List of the Modules Used
- admin_menu
- better_formats
- better_messages
- cck
- comment_notify
- css_gzip
- ddblock
- demo
- imagefield
- imagecache
- imageapi
- filefield
- imce
- imce_wysiwyg
- jquery_update
- lightbox2
- page_title
- menu_block
- nice_menus
- nodequeue
- pathauto
- pngfix
- quicktabs
- skinr
- token
- views
- views_bbc_ticker
- webform
- wysiwyg