Keep your users updated on their library transactions with mobile alerts
Dear Patron:
What are mobile alerts? And why do we need them?
When the library users check out (issue), check in (return), renew or do any other circulation transaction, a SMS is sent to their mobile about that transaction.
These mobile alerts
- Provide a proof of transaction
- Enable quick communication to user about his/her account usage
- Boost the image of the library by providing such contemporary services
What changes must I do in my system to send mobile alerts?
a. In your C:/NewGenLibFiles/SystemFiles/ENV_VAR.txt(For Linux /usr/NewGenLibFiles/SystemFiles/ENV_VAR.txt) turn on your mobile alerts by setting MOBILE_ALERTS=YES
b. If there is file called SMS_URL in C:/NewGenLibFiles/SystemFiles delete it. If you have your own SMS provider subscription then you can define it in SMS_URL file.
c. In Patron creation/modification you will find a field called Phone-II, this field is reserved for mobile numbers. Enter the mobile number without any prefix. For example: If the mobile number is 9000688948, the right way to enter is 9000688948. And do not enter it as 09000688948 or +919000688948
That is it, you are ready. When ever you check out or check in or do any other circulation transaction SMSs will be sent to the patron's mobile.
Important points to remember
You must be using NewGenLib 3.1.3 U4 or later to avail this facility
Upgrade to NewGenLib Enterprises Edition or Migrate to NewGenLib Open Source
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NewGenLib - Install Happiness
Verus Solutions Private Limited
Plot No : 41, 42, Flat No 101, SwarnaBharathi Towers, AS Raju Nagar,
Opp JPN Nagar Colony, Miyapur, Cyberabad, Hyderabad, Telangana, - 500 049.
Phone : +91 40 65642333 Business Mob : +91 70758 24769
Support Mob: +91 70758 24766 / 767 / 768