NewGenLib Cataloging module: Cataloging made Simple and Powerful
Dear Patron:
Cataloging in NewGenLib is simple yet powerful. Let us see the capabilities of NewGenLib cataloging module.
Makes cataloger's life simple
-Simple to use and understand interface: NewGenLib cataloging screen is simple to understand and use. We have preloaded the system with frequently used templates for Books(Single and Multi-volume), Serials, Articles, Conference Publication, Theses and Dissertations, Technical Reports and Patents
-Create quality catalog records quickly: Using NewGenLib you can import catalog records in MARC Communication format. However not all library catalogs on the Internet allow you to do this, for this NewGenLib has developed means to import records from MARC Tagged format also. Apart from this you can use Z39.50 client to perform federated search and import the records.
Powerful tool
Cataloging module though simple in the front end is powerful in this processing. A few of them are mentioned below
-Flexibility for customization: You can customize the fields (MARC21 based) that must be indexed. You can customize the search indexes of OPAC and librarian's search interface
-Choose label names of your choice: You can change the labels of the cataloging screen and change them to suit your library's terminology
-Standards based: NewGenLib's database schema is based on global standards. Internally the data is handled in MARC21 standard (Bibliographic, Authority and Holdings data)
-Unicode based: Store data in any language. Works seamlessly with popular tools like Google IME.
-Digital library: Integrated digital library functionality is present and no additional configuration is required. With a click you can add records to Open Archives. Supports Dublin core and OAI-PMH standard
-Google previews and book covers are automatically fetched from Internet based on ISBN
-Supports many Classification schemes including DDC and UDC
-NewGenLib uses enterprise search engine Solr for Bibliographic and Authority data searches. This enables searching huge databases with lighting speeds.
-Quick utility tools: There are quick utility tools to merge catalog records, retrieve duplicates, update additional copies, edit catalog records and make a copy of the catalog record
-Catalog any material type using NewGenLib
Want to learn more
Learn more about cataloging module in detail by visiting technical processing tutorial in the NewGenLib Knowledge Bank
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Wishing you a happy library management
Best regards
NewGenLib Open Source Team,
Verus Solutions