Note: These installation instructions can be used for
- A new installation of NewGenLib
Installing the server
Installation of Java SDK 6.0/7 and setting up of JAVA_HOME environment variable
1. Download Java SDK 1.6.0/7 from this link. Click here to download jdk1.6.0. (NGL runs on both Java 6 and 7. However the instructions are given for Java 6). They will remain the same for Java 7 also. Once you have downloaded jdk1.6.0. You will see a file like below. Double click on it to start the installation 3. Click on the "Next" button
4. Make a note of this path to Install Java and Click on Next.
5. The Install of jre will prompted just Click on Next
6. Click on Finish
7. Let us now set the JAVA_HOME Environment variable. Right click on "My Computer" on your desktop and select the option Properties
8. Select the tab Advanced and click on the button Environment Variables
9. Under the System Variables area click on the New button
10. You will be prompted to create a new system variable. In the variable name enter JAVA_HOME and in the variable value enter the path of the jdk Installation Point 4. And click on the Ok button.
You can now see the JAVA_HOME Variable set as shown below. Now click on the Ok button.
Installation of Postgresql 8.3
1. Download Postgresql 8.3 from this link 2. The downloaded file will be a zip file. Extract that file into a directory. you will see the following files as show below. Double click on the file Postgresql-8.3.msi. 3. Select English and click on the start button
4. Click on the Next button
5. Click on the Next button
6. Click on the Next button
7. Make sure that Install as service is selected. Enter account password as "newgenlib" and retype the password "newgenlib" in the verified password text box. Click on Next button.
8. The system will now create a user called postgres. Click on Yes to create a user name postgres
9. The system may prompt that the password is weak click on No.
10. Make sure that initialize database cluster is checked. "Accept connections on all address, Not just localhost" must be checked. "Encoding (Server)" Must be UTF8. Client must be UTF8. Password is "newgenlib" Retype password as "newgenlib" Click on Next button.
11. You may get a warning message regarding remote connections click on Ok.
12. In "Enable procedural languages" click on Next
13. In "Enable contrib modules" click on Next.
14. The Postgres is now ready to Install. Click on Next.
15. Once the Installation of Postgres is complete you will get installation complete window. Uncheck Launch builder at exit and Click on Finish button.
Installation of NGL3
1. Download NGL3 from this link. If you have already downloaded this file in the Download page, skip this step. 2. This will download a file Extract this file, for this example we have extracted the zip file into C: Drive. In C: Drive you will now see a directory name "InstallNGL303". The contents of this directory. You may extract the zip file into any directory. 3. Now go into C:/InstallNGL303/apache-ant-1.8.1/bin directory. In this directory you will find a file config.ini. open this file using Wordpad or Notepad. Edit the parameters as explained below. This means that the NGL installation will be made in the directory C:/NGL3. you may give choose any other directory as you wish. But for this example we will choose this directory. ServerIPAddress=localhost The IPAddress of the computer which is running Postgresql database. By default leave it as localhost. It means that Postgresql database server is running on this system itself. DatabasePort=5432 The Port on which your Postgresql Server is running. In most of the cases this port number is 5432. DefaultDatabase=postgres Do not edit this parameter. Postgresql 8.3 installation creates a default database called postgres DatabaseUserName=postgres Default database user is postgres. So do not edit this value. DatabasePassword=newgenlib The password you entered for postgres. In our installation manual we asked to give the password as newgenlib. source.location=C:/InstallNGL303 This is the location which has NGL3.0 Installation files. Refer to Point 2. restore.database=blank If you want to restore a blank NGL schema the above value is blank. If you want to restore a NGL backup(with data) instead of a blank schema then put the backup file in D:/InstallNGL3.0/DBBackup directory. Instead of blank use original. Your parameter will look like this restore.database=original NewGenLib.Database=newgenlib Do not edit this parameter. If you want the database name to be something else you may change it here. NewGenLib.Database.UserName=newgenlib Do not edit this parameter. A new user with this name will be created NewGenLib.Database.Password=newgenlib Do not edit this parameter. The user will be created with this password. Save the changes made to config.ini 4. Go to C:/InstallNGL303 and Double click on Install batch file. This will Open command prompt and execute the scripts as shown below
5. Go to C:/NGL3/apache-tomcat-6.0.32/bin directory. You can see a file RunNGL3Server batch file.
This batch file when executed will run the apache-tomcat Server with NGL Application. Since you have use this batch file frequently let us create a shortcut of this file on the desktop. Right click on RunNGL3Server and Send to ---> Desktop (Create Shortcut) as shown below.
A shortcut will be created on your desktop as shown below.
6. Double click on the Shortcut to start NGL Server. The NGL Server (apache-tomcat) will start. It will take some time to initialize. Finally you will get a message as shown below. The time taken for server to initialize will change system to system.
Check if the installation is working
1. Make sure that your NGLServer is running. (Point 6 of above section). 2. Click on this link. http://localhost:8080/newgenlibctxt. This should open Web OPAC as shown below. 3. Now the Installation is running, we will now have to create a Solr Index of Bibliographic and Authority data. Please note that unless you execute this step you will not be able to make searches. Go D:/InstallNGL3.0 directory you will find a file BuildIndex batch file. Double click on this file. This will create Bibliographic and Authority data Index.
Launching NGL Librarian's Interface
1. Click on this link http://localhost:8080/newgenlibctxt/LaunchApplication This will Launch Librarian's User Interface 2. You will first be prompted to enter Tomcat server location and Port on which it runs. Enter localhost as "IP Address of the server" and 8080 as "Port Number". Click on Ok 3. Now a login screen will open. Login with User ID="1" and Password="abc" (In your earlier version if you have used a different password, login with that password)
4. Librarian's User Interface will open as shown below.
5. For tutorials to use the librarian interface please visit our Knowledge bank
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