Import Catalog Records

NGL offers many ways through which catalog records can be imported into its database

  • Import catalog records from OpenCatalog
  • Importing catalog records that are in MARC Communication format: Library catalogs like Library of Congress, National Agriculture Library (Agricola), National Library for Medicine (NLM Locator Plus) offer their catalog records to be exported into MARC Communication format. The catalog records from these sources can be imported
  • Importing catalog records that are in MARC Tagged format:Some library catalog do not allow the records to be exported in MARC Communication format. However they offer a MARC Tagged View or sometimes also called as Librarian's view. The MARC Tagged records can be copy-pasted into NGL
  • Catalog records can be imported using Z39.50 also. Currently NGL recommends the usage of MARC Edit tool.
  • Catalog records can be imported from OAI-PMH servers